Friday, September 9, 2016

Welcome to Shards

Hopefully upon stumbling upon this blog you are as excited to explore what is to become of Shards as I am.  Currently the game exists as a small set of rules rules, a few hand drawn play maps, and a brief setting write up that gives a small glimpse into the world of shards.  A humble beginning to which i hope becomes a long and exciting journey to what shards may one day become.

This is ground zero for the development of the game and i intend to document the process every step of the way.  Providing new material here for anyone daring enough to give the game a go and experience the development process for themselves.

So what is Shards?  Here goes my best marketing pitch attempt.

Shards is a tabletop adventure game with a strong emphasis on exploration, challenging but rewarding combat, and a rich and immersive setting that you help create throughout your games.  More than just a simple "Dungeon Delver", Shards has unique story-building mechanics that become just as vital to your adventure as taking out the last few hit points of that tough enemy.

Shards is not technically a roleplaying  game, however i'm hoping that people who enjoy roleplaying games will find Shards a very rewarding experience.  The opportunity for world building and story-telling should be immense with the setup provided in shards all while the game remains accessible to casual tabletop gamers alike.

I hope to get a set of playable pdf's uploaded soon for anyone to download and try out.  I'm looking forward to hearing of your adventures as well as sharing my own.

Till next time, lest all be forgotton

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